Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Livin' the Dream

My husband and I joke with each other, mostly when a shitstorm is brewing around us, that we're Livin' the Dream. Basically, we wonder, "what the hell have we gotten ourselves in to?" If you're a parent, or possibly even if you're not, you have these moments where everything seems so surreal and you can't even fathom that this is what your life has come to. A few examples for you:

  • When your three year old goes outside to greet the new realtor wearing nothing but rain boots

  • When you turn around to find the baby sitting in the bathroom sink eating toothpaste, when all you did was reach into the closet for a towel

  • When your kid yells "frickin' bullshit!" while trick-or-treating

  • When the baby NEEDS to nurse at the exact same time that you're doing your (ahem) morning business

  • When your out of town guest steps in dog puke as he's trying to pick up food thrown by the baby )who happens to be sitting ON the dinner table)... and your other kid just happens to be naked

Does this shit happen to anyone else? Please say yes, or I may worry that I'm totally failing at this parenting thing.


  1. YES!!! Happens here all the time, and we look at each other and think the same thing! You are not alone :-)
