Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Like Mother Like Son

It’s amazing how another person can be so much like you. So often I stop and smile because Harrison is such a mini version of me. Not only do we look quite a bit alike, but, for better or worse, he acts like me too!

He has a ridiculously good memory. He still tells me stories about (real) things that happened when he was only two. He can easily recall people he’s met and places that he visited quite a long time ago. I’m kind of the same way; I have some freakishly detailed memories of random childhood moments. And, yes, I just used a semicolon.

He wants things to be fair, ALWAYS. Right now it’s usually about his brother getting more pushes on the swing (because he’s big enough to pump), or making sure no one gets more cookies than him. I remember in sixth grade my parents had to meet with my teacher because I was having a hard time “understanding other children’s differences.” I just wanted everyone to be treated the same, no special treatment for anyone. I’ve become more tolerant, and surely less selfish, with age and I’ve realized that fair does not always mean equal. I hope that H continues to fight for fairness and justice... and not just a bigger piece of pizza.

He’s a bit of a know-it-all. This past winter when we were on vacation to Disney World, Harrison told some boys he had just met on the bus, I’m kind of a ninja expert. And in his mind, he is. Luckily, they were sweet and didn’t laugh right in his face. There are some subjects that he feels so strongly about that he wants to learn every detail, and then he shares them with you, repeatedly. It’s kind of savant-like. “Did you know that the blue ninja used his full potential… blah, blah, blah… and Lord Garmidon is Lloyd’s father and Sensei Wu’s brother… blah, blah, blah.” I can only half listen because it makes my head hurt- but he’s so very passionate about Ninjas and some other cool stuff too. I have no idea where he gets this trait...

Lastly, he's fucking hillarious! He loves to shake his booty, make up silly songs and just have a good time. He brings out the good kind of crazy in me and I love that! There's honestly nothing better than just letting loose and being goofy with your kid as they laugh wildly. I hope those are the memories that he'll cherish forever.

Love you lots my little love bug!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mother’s Day

My mama and Me, Circa 1984

I prepare myself for people who don’t know me well to ask, well intentioned, if I’m doing anything special with my mom on Sunday. Then there’s the awkward moment where I explain that she’s gone. I hear coworkers talk about their plans to get a pedicure or have a fun day of shopping with their moms, and I feel envious and just a little lost.

Thankfully, I only had to endure one Mother’s Day after losing my own mom before I became a mother myself- and even then, I was a few months pregnant and already a mother at heart. I am grateful to have children of my own now to shift my focus from feeling sad and lost, to hopeful and happy. Not a day goes by that I don’t find myself doing something that reminds me of her…

Snuggling my boys to sleep, and waking them in the morning with gentle smooches

Dancing like a freak to make my boys laugh… or sometimes just to bug them

Calling Harrison Love Bug

Blasting age-inappropriate music, dancing and singing my heart out in the car

Sitting patiently with my Harrison, on his bed, as he works through difficult feelings of anger, stress, and anxiety

Saying I love you about a million times each day

Treating my children like people, truly valuing their feelings

I realize that I was raised by an amazingly, patient, kind, hardworking, selfless mother who taught me what it means to love unconditionally. There are so many times on this crazy road called parenthood, where I wish I could call her for advice... or just a good cry. But by trying to mirror her mothering style, I can almost feel her presence.

The way I remember her

I showed Harrison this picture the other day and he said, You look like your mudder.
Thanks buddy, I sure hope so.