Thursday, January 8, 2015


As we enter the new year, I'm thinking back to this time last year when I made a list of 36 things I hoped to tackle in 2014. I was able to successfully accomplish about 1/3 of the things on my list, and another 1/3 were partially accomplished. While I think it's important to have realistic and concrete goals that one can "check off," I think it's far too easy to get stuck on the end result and forget about the journey. I'm about to get a little deep here, so bear with me. For 2015, I'm setting goals that are a little more vague, but that can be incorporated into everything that I do.

Have More Fun

All too often I get caught up in my own head and forget to live in the moment. I'm too worried about laundry and dishes to enjoy the laughter of my children. While I can't completely neglect household chores (unfortunately), I do want to be more intentional about dedicating time to playing with my children and just enjoying life through their eyes.

Take Care of Myself

I've spent way too many years of my life stressing about my weight, calories in, calories burned... blah blah blah. I'm not throwing in the towel altogether, but trying to take a more holistic approach to self-care. I plan to eat healthy foods that fuel my body and make me feel strong and healthy (about 80% of the time), but I also plan to spend time with my girlfriends, drink some wine and occasionally go out to dinner with my husband.

I got a really sweet deal on a year's worth of Jazzercise classes, so my love of group fitness is covered and I'm still learning how to take time for "me" without feeling a whole lot of mama/wife guilt.

Keep In Touch

I lost one of my best friends this year and it was a crazy reminder that I need to cherish the friends that I have and keep in closer touch. It's so easy to get wrapped up in my day-to-day life and lose touch with people who are very important to me. This year I vow to remind those I love that I'm thinking of them, whether it's a text message, phone call, snail mail (for the grandmas), or scheduling a lunch date.

Do you make New Years Resolutions? If so, what are your plans for 2015?