Thursday, September 25, 2014

Life is a Whirlwind

WOW! The past month has been crazy. I feel like I've lost track of the time and can't even remember what's been keeping us so busy, but here's a little recap:

Harrison returned to preschool- This is exciting, because our little guy is growing up, but it's also a little stressful. "Preschool days" adds extra time to the commute twice a week and pile on one more logistic to work out with Dadd-O. (Can you do drop off, and I'll do pick up? Wait, I don't have a car seat...)

We went camping one last time- We've discovered a campground that we really like. It's family-owned and operated, with lots of activities for the kids. We went earlier this summer and took advantage of the water slides, playground and two pools. This month, we loved the Halloween themed weekend. Many of the campsites were covered with spooky decorations and the boys trick-or-treated from site to site. It was a blast, but it was also the first COLD weekend which gave us the chilling (see what I did there?) reminder that fall is coming.

Dadd-O has been training- In addition to his full time "real job," Dadd-O is a volunteer firefighter. This month he's been taking a class at the fire station every Tuesday and Thursday evening, and two full Saturdays. In between classes he's preoccupied with reading and studying. This means that two nights a week, we've seen each other for about 10 minutes between work and class while we pass off the boys and share a quick kiss hello/goodbye. The boys miss him, I miss him, he misses us... and we all miss our normal routine. Thankfully, the month is almost over and we can go back to eating dinner as a family.

I joined a book club- Reading more (at all?) has been on my to-do list for a while now. I was psyched when a few of my lady friends at work recently invited me to join a book club. We had our first meeting last week and the food wine conversation was great. I actually finished the book (I wasn't sure I'd have enough free time) and enjoyed an evening with hilarious, intelligent, and amazing women! Win-win.

Board Meetings- Harrison's pre-school is a co-operative, which means parents have a say in how the school is run and must participate on the board or a committee. I'm the board secretary, so once a month I spend an evening at the preschool with other parents discussing school operations and planning. I'm also volunteering with our Community Justice Center (more to come on this), where I spend two evenings a month.

Soccer- Late in the summer, Harrison attended a week-long soccer "camp." I would totally use airquotes if I could, because it was only for an hour a day, seriously... regardless they still get the $100 bucks out of us. (Which included a ball, jersey and t-shirt. Quite as steal.) Anyway, he seemed to enjoy soccer and met a new friend that he couldn't stop talking about. Luckily, the new friend's mom told me about another upcoming soccer program that was starting and new friend would also be participating. This one is only once a week, for six weeks- every Friday afternoon. So far it's gone well, except for trying to keep Jaxy off the field. "I play soccer camp too?"

Things seem to be winding down a bit, thankfully, but now I must start planning a fifth birthday party!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Versatile Blogger Award

My dear friend Kara nominated me for my first ever blog award, the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks!

I’m going to share seven (questionably) interesting things about me and then nominate seven other bloggers to do the same. (Ok, I only came up with five.)

And this will keep going for all eternity...

1. Whenever possible, my socks must match my shirt. If that's not possible, they can match my pants. If that's not possible, they must coordinate with my overall outfit.

2. I hate romantic comedies- like HATE them. When it comes to movies, if you want to keep me interested, I need it to be dark, scary, inappropriately funny, or just plain bizarre.

3. If I could have any job in the world, I would be a guidance counselor. Helping young people realize their goals seems like it would be pretty fulfilling. I'd love the school schedule, without the pressure of being a teacher and I can happily administer personality tests and visit college campuses all day long.

4. I take friendship very seriously. I don't do well with acquaintances- because either we're friends, and I'll give you all I've got, or we're not... (wow, that makes me sound like a total bitch)

5. I am not spontaneous. I wish I was, really I do... but whenever I try to do something on a whim, anxiety sets in and it's rarely enjoyable (for anyone involved). This relates to big things- I won't (generally) lose my shit over a change in dinner plans.

6. I'd love to go back to school to get my master's degree, but I'm not exactly sure what I'd want to study: social work or counseling.

7. I seriously LOVE nachos!! Like, I'm an addict who can't stop herself if I get anywhere near chips with melted cheese.

Now it's your turn

Alma at A Tiny Growing House
Kate at Sometimes I Make Art
Sarah at Mama Gets Real
Gretchin at Your Mom Is Strange
Jessica at The Leaky Boob